
Recitation of Divya Stotrams

The servants of the Supreme Lord  Sriman Narayana should always behave, act in manners that please Him.  For that alone, He has blessed us with the instruments of mind, speech and action. It is not simple and easy to think of Him and meditate on Him while  controlling the mind which runs faster than the wind.

That is why our acharyas have blessed us with many divine verses composed in praise of the Supreme Lord. These divya-stotras which openly praise the various auspicious attributes of the Lord are most beneficial when repeatedly chanted.

Stotras generally conform to a specific metre (chhandas), often lilting and pleasurable, adding to the enjoyment of the subject. The Lord is called sthavyah: sthavapriyah: meaning:  one who likes being praised.

While the Vedas can be recited by those eligible to recite them, these divya-stotras can be recited by anyone without any qualifications.

We present these compositions of various Srivaishnava Acharyas such as the Azhwars, Srimad Ramanuja and Srimad Vedanta Desikan in these pages.

All these compositions contain enormous references to the nitya-kalyana gunas of Perumal and Piratti and help us realise our position as the seshi (the property and servitor) of the Sriman Narayana, who is sarva-sesha (our proprietor and master).

Desika Stotras

Please click on the button to download the document in Sanskrit (Devanagari) script or in Tamil script.

Desika Stotras

in Sanskrit

in Tamil

Ashtabhuja Ashtakam

Dashavatara Stotram

Desika Mangalam

Devanayaka Panchashat

Garuda Dandakam

Garuda Panchasat

Gopala Vimshati

Hayagriva Stotram


Nyasa Dashakam

Nyasa Vimshati

Raghu Viiragadyam


Ramanuja Stotras

Please click on the button to download the document in Sanskrit (Devanagari) script or in Tamil script.

Ramanuja Stotras

in Sanskrit

in Tamil

Sharanagati Gadyam

Sriranga Gadyam

Vaikuntha Gadyam

Divya Prabandhams

Please click on the button to download the document in Sanskrit (Devanagari) script or in Tamil script.

Divya Prabandhams

in Sanskrit

in Tamil

